Georgian Place Homeowners Association

We're glad you found us!  The Georgian Place Neighborhood in Huntley, Illinois is home to 345 single family homes and in walking distance to downtown Huntley, the village library and municipal building, several churches, a hospital and multiple family parks.  (Please see News Archives for older postings)

Statement From the Village Regarding 10600 Wheatlands Way

We have heard our community’s concerns regarding the residence at 10600 Wheatlands Way, and we understand this situation has been frustrating for many residents. We always seek to provide transparent information to our residents to the extent legally permissible. As several matters are pending in court with the residents and homeowner, limited details can be released at this time. Releasing details on situations that are currently pending in court could impede the case resolution. 

Generally, when the Village becomes aware of code compliance issues, we strive to obtain voluntary compliance from the residents. If that is not possible, citations and litigation are the next steps pursued. There is a specific legal process in place that municipalities must follow to enforce the code when a resident does not provide voluntary compliance. The process may seem prolonged and cumbersome, but it is designed to be a fair process that balances the rights of the subject of the proceeding, the rights of the municipality, and other residents to have a safe and healthy community.

We want to assure you that all the necessary agencies and their attorneys have been collaborating to resolve the legal process and rectify the situation. We appreciate our residents' patience and understanding as we work through the court proceedings, which could prove to be rather lengthy. 


Thank you

2024 Meeting Dates

Upcoming Board Meetings

The Zoom link will also be emailed to all homeowners who provided their email address to Northwest Property Management before each meeting. Please contact Lindsey (lindseyc@nwprop.com) to sign up for emails.

If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting and have a question or concern, please email Suzanne Pesce at SuzanneP@nwprop.com.

2024 Annual Meeting

  • October 21st - 6pm at Huntley Park District

Past Board Meetings

  • March 25th - 7pm
  • April 22nd - 7pm
  • June 24th  - 7pm
  • September 16th - 7:30pm

Northwest Property Management

The board has hired Northwest Property Management to handle the day to day operations of the neighborhood and they have started work as of March 1st, 2024.

Please contact our property manager Lindsey (lindseyc@nwprop.com) with any questions, comments, concerns, improvement requests, or document requests.

2024 Annual Dues

The 2024 budget and dues have been approved by the GPHOA Board. Annual dues will be $425 in 2024.

We have experienced a significant cost increase for landscaping and need to take care of deferred maintenance of the GPHOA owned fences along Algonquin Rd. and Main St. Our three year landscaping contract ended in 2023 and our current company is significantly raising our cost. We are in the process of obtaining and reviewing additional bids. Additionally, the board has voted to hire Northwest Property Management to take over accounting, homeowner communications, and violation management. Please be on the lookout in the coming week or two for a welcome packet to arrive along with your annual dues invoice.

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